Ambient Soundbath News – 1/1/13

Happy New Year to all of you who have started listening to the Ambient Soundbath this year. We’re only about six months in, but there are many things in the works… Some of those include:

Longer Podcasts in February ’13
The Ambient Soundbath Podcast will be moving to a sixty-minute format and including other artists in mid-February, currently slated for podcast #23…We’ve gotten some questions about how the podcast will give attribution to artists for their works. We’ll be updating the site, here with more information on that, and also including links provided to us to the artists we’ve included. As we begin programming more work from other artists, we will do everything we can to champion and publicize your work. Speaking of which, we’ve been blown away by how much great music we’ve received, please keep the music coming.

Ambient Soundbath CD Release
An Ambient Soundbath release that’s comprised of all original music by Matt Borghi is in the works. Along with this being a digital download, it will be the first physical CD Matt has released in over six years. Thanks for all the comments and notes we received on this, as it really helped us make a decision as to how to move forward. We’ll announce pre-ordering when that’s ready to go.

Ambient Soundbath Apple (iOS) and Android App
This is something that’s on the very distant horizon, but is at the core of what the Ambient Soundbath is about: Making the Soundbath available to you wherever you are, to provide that space for thinking and being. If you like the Ambient Soundbath and having any app development experience, please get in touch.

Thank you and be well sound travelers!

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